I wish I was you Laura
A different subject matter for me this time. It’s based on a photograph taken of Laura Coombs Hills. I used a soft ground etching to draw her and then a carborundum plate to give the tone of the dress. In this print,I collaged the dress from another print on top. The whole print is then glued to a wooden panel for the Newburyport Art Association - 7X5 show.
Laura Coombs Hills is such an inspiration to me. She reinvented herself as an artist doing miniatures after her eyesight failed. She became a painter of florals in pastels, breaking barriers with bold colors.One of my favorites is Marsh Marigolds.
Her florals were in demand:Laura sold a batch of pastels and was thrilled it meant she could reroof her beloved house in Newburyport, the “Goldfish.” She supported herself through her art at a time when the art world was so dominated by men.
She is buried in the cemetery I live next to. Laura and her sister are in the same plot. It seems fitting since her sister took care of all the domestic things, freeing Laura to create and have a nice dinner at the end of the day. We should all have a sister wife.
I sometimes find myself walking the dog, stopping at her grave and relaying my tales of being an artist. Yes, I look crazy out there but I feel like Laura understands.
The finished product: Laura Coombs Hills.